For those of you that can’t visit our Harrisburg or Lancaster, PA offices, maybe you don’t want or need counseling, or are looking for good information, here are some great counseling resources.
The world is full of products and self-help material. We’ve gone through a bunch of it and have found what we think are the BEST RESOURCES. These are things that our counselors use and recommend all the time.
We want to be up front about the links to the resources below. These links connect to Amazon where you can purchase these resources. As a result, we get a small percentage from the purchase. Thank you in advance for buying through these links. The money that we get from promoting resources we use to help our lower income clients. With that said, here is how we decide what we’re going to promote:
1. We think it is awesome.
2. We would promote it even if we weren’t getting paid.
3. It is easy to understand.
We have a number of books and other resources that we recommend to our clients. Simply click the links below to view them.
On Death and Dying, by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
On Grief and Grieving, by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Tear Soup: A Recipe For Healing After Loss, by Pat Schweibert (book)
A World of Pausabilities by Dr. Frank Sileo
The Whole-Brain Child by Daniel Siegel
The Whole-Brain Child Workbook
No-Drama Discipline by Daniel Siegel
The 5 Love Languages of Children by Dr. Gary Chapman
Divorce and Separation
Mom’s House, Dad’s House by Isolina Ricci
Mom’s House, Dad’s House For Kids
The Five Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman
The Five Love Languages of Apology by Dr. Gary Chapman
The Seven Principles For Making Marriage Work by John and Julie Gottman
The Science of Trust by John Gottman
Loving Your Friend Through Cancer by Marissa Henley
Financial Wellness
Financial Peace University Home Class Kit by Dave Ramsey
Profit First by Mike Michalowicz
Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey
Codependent No More by Meoldy Beattie
Alcoholics Anonymous by Bill W.
More coming soon…