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In This Episode
The Covid-19 Pandemic and the quarantine have put amazing amounts of stress on everyone. While many are struggling during these difficult times, the quarantine have given many a chance to spend quality time together and focus on their relationships. Taking advantage of the time and putting some of Laura’s tips into action can help couples thrive during these unprecedented times.
Main Points
- Now is the perfect time to focus on your relationship
- Pay attention to your partner’s dreams
- Be your partner’s biggest support
- Talk with your partner about what your “Next” is
- Follow Laura Heck’s (@lauraeheck) Instagram for Quarantine Conversation Starters
- Register for the Epic Wives Experiment by May 17th
Meet Laura Heck, LMFT
Laura is co-host of Marriage Therapy Radio, leads The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work workshop for couples, coaches women through the Epic Wives Experiment, speaks and trains for The Gottman Institute and is a regular media expert on the topic of intimate relationships.
Laura can often be found running through the wilderness with her pup, cooking up something fierce and golfing poorly. Laura has been with her beloved and patient husband for 14 years and they have a five year old son together.
Previous Episode
OTC Ep. 38 – Mindfulness & Bibliotherapy With Dr. Frank Sileo
Next Episode
OTC Ep. 40 – Dr. Christine Moutier – Caring For Our Mental Health
Meet John Dennis
John is a licensed professional counselor with over 14 years of experience who specializes in counseling for individuals, couples, children, and adolescents. He focuses on working with anxious teens and adults, couples who are struggling to connect with one another, and those dealing with grief and loss.
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