Congratulations! You raised a graduate You are no longer empty-nesters! They’ve moved home after walking across the stage. Great! Now what? An estimated “15% of 25-35 yr old millennials were living at home with their parents as of 2016″ If you happen to be reading this prior to your child’s graduation then start planning now. […]
Difficulty Launching: After the Crash
We thought they were doing so well! Where are you?! Your mother and I are coming to get you! You hope that when your child launches and goes off to college, military or living on their own, that the transition will be smooth and painless. Sadly, things don’t always go according to plan. So what […]
Freeze and Flight: 6 Ways to Fight Your Child’s School Anxiety
“I’m not going and you can’t make me!” “Please! Can’t you just homeschool me?!” These are often the battles many parents are fighting during the first few days of school. Anxiety, panic and dread have become […]
Back To School: Preparing Yourself and Your Child
Where did summer go?! How am I already shopping for school supplies and shuttling kids to pre-season workouts? When did they start selling Pumpkin Spice and Halloween candy in August??? Let’s back up. I want to apologize and say a huge thank you for being understanding while I took a hiatus from blogging. Things have […]
Exciting Milestones and Projects
Well 2017 is almost done! It’s been a super crazy year. I’ve hit some pretty big high’s and had some soul-crushing low’s. It’s always important to take stock of the past year and look to the next. First, I’d like to thank any of you who have taken time to stop by the blog and […]